minyak lintah

In this article we are going to take a quick look at penis enlargement oils, and see if we can't get a little bit of a better understanding as to what they do, and how they do it. If you've read my writing in the past, it's no secret I'm not partial to oils and creams, but in fairness to those of you who have inquired, I think a little bit more detail is probably fair for all. So read on as I shed a little bit of extra light on whether these products are simply "snake oil" in disguise...ore really a valuable tool in your enhancement efforts. Ready? Great - let's do it!

The Problem is in the Name

Topical oils are really NOT for long term male enhancement. I'm fairly sure that even the promoters and producers of these products would probably concur with this statement. Rather, they are for short term sexual salvation..:-) In other words, transdermal oils (those that are applied to the penis and testicles) are principally advertised for either sexual dysfunction, or for longer and harder erections during intimacy. Most of the male enhancement products I review, are for REAL size gains over the long haul - not a quick fix for sexual performance issues.

A better Analogy Would be...

Topical oils are better compared against oral medications, in my opinion. Again, for sexual PERFORMANCE purposes, not enlarging your anatomy. If you are a small guy, you are NOT going to find salvation in these products...at least not more than a few hours worth, if that.

Do they work?

Well, this is probably better suited for another article on erectile dysfunction, viagra and those minyak lintah sorts of topics. I will however, considering that I'm covering them here, let you know that all of the experiences I've personally had have been bad. As a writer, blogger and passionate purveyor of mens health information, I can also tell you that others have had similar (and worse) responses than I - rashes, burning, even sores as a consequence. This does not mean there aren't good products out there. It just means I haven't found them myself..:-)

And remember, with our modern day understanding of anatomy, and the variety of holistic, alternative, natural approaches to OPTIMIZING our bodies in all sorts of ways...it is now common practice for men everywhere, who know how - to systematically improve, build and increase our penis size [http://thetruthaboutmaleenhancement.com] and do it quickly.

The need for creams, hanging weights and other esoteric methods are not only strange and potentially dangerous - they are also finally completely obsolete and unnecessary.

So while they may be laughing at you behind your back...trust me, they won't be for long! Take a little bit of time and learn how your anatomy works, and how simple exercises and optimizations [http://thetruthaboutmaleenhancement.com] you can make, everyday can yield a RADICAL shift in your penis size without the worry. I did...and it was the best decision I ever made!

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