minyak belacak

It's been said that there are penis oils on the market that offer you such benefits as, a much stronger and firmer erection, huge ejaculations, increase sexual sensitivity and long lasting orgasms. But seriously how can one oil really do all this? Well the honest and genuine answer is they can't! They absolutely cannot do all of these things, it's common sense tied in with case study after case study, not only with my clients but also with many others online. What you need to remember though is this, you can actually achieve all of those things with exercises and food replacements, such as supplements or live alkaline green super foods.

You see I've been practicing these exercises and dietary methods for quite some time now and I can tell you first hand that they truly do work, without all the hyped up potions that go for $70 a pop! The amount of guys that fall for these tricks is almost sickening and should be considered as day light robbery. By all means don't take my word for it, why no go ahead and buy yourself a tube of the magic stuff, see what it does for you in a couple of weeks, if it does nothing then at least you know I was telling the truth, also read the below exercises and dietary guild lines which are easy to follow and get you where you want to be.

What you should apply to your penis

Only apply your HANDS! that's right only your hand should be dong the hard work, not some bogus oil. Take either hand and wrap it around your penis, now squeeze and hold for 10 seconds and release, do this again for a further 20 times and relax. What this will do is push the blood to the head of the penis and start a growth pattern which is called, biochemistry cell regeneration. You are basically forcing the chambers in the penis to hold more blood than they could before which will help erections and the size in length and also girth.

How to add extra growth with your diet

Start drinking 2 liters of water a day and makes sure you eat more Iron and Zinc, this will really start to heat things up with your ejaculations and intensify your orgasms. Another great super food is rocket, this stuff is amazing, if you eat it on a daily basis with oily fish you will see a drastic change in a few days. Enjoy!

Peter M. Cavell has been a sex and relationship therapist since 1997. When couples are having sex problems he fungsi minyak lintah always recommends that the men start using the Penis Enlargement Bible:

Visit http://www.penisenlargementbible.com for the ULTIMATE Penis Enlargement System.

Peter used the guide himself and saw over 3 inches of growth in a few months after vowing to improve himself following his messy divorce in 1993. If you think YOU could benefit from a better penis then take a look.

Peter reports that all of his clients who use the guide are completely satisfied with the gains they make.

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